Nyhøjsvej 38
DK-2630 Taastrup
Phone: +45 43522296
Mobile: +45 20306065

Sale – terms

You are always welcome to visit me in my Gallery, where you will have the opportunity to see and choose among all my works and hear the exciting stories behind the works !

You are also welcome to ask for an offer on my works presented on this web site either by phone or by mail by using the formula under Contact

Just remember to refer to the article number, which is shown below all pictures (7 or 8 digits)

We shall submit an attractive offer, and we kindly ask you when ordering to inform full forwarding address and invoicing address if different from the forwarding address. We submit order confirmation, and shall forward the order within 5 days after the payment has been received on our account in Danske Bank:

IBAN: DK31 3000 4555 5265 39.
The shipping cost will be invoiced at cost.

Right to regret the order.

Within the first 14 days after receipt of the works you may regret your order. If you return the works to Krisjak Art in the same condition and volume, you will after the works have been acknowledged received in acceptable condition, receive payment in return direct to your bank account within few days. The shipping cost to be carried by you.

Hr. Nielsen
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